Written by Sarthak Sidhant

Co-Authors: Amogh Anand Jha, Sarvagya Singh and Rishit Shandilya

This story is about how a Profile was impersonating me and spreading rumors, and How I threatened it using Cybersec Penetration, Found out the Perpetrator’s Location, and the account deleted itself under 17 minutes. I then dive deeper trying to understand the legalities of this situation, and helping you be safe

coincidentally, this is also a 17 minute read (excluding the complaint)

<aside> 🗣 Skip To Topics (like actually, save some time)

  1. the start of the story
  2. the cyber complaint
  3. **how we found out (and how to pull off something like this)**
  4. the threats and they worked
  5. why you shouldn’t do something like what we did (and ✅ way**)**
  6. how to keep yourself safe </aside>

the wall of fame poster im gonna make one day, lol. I just love how i threaten this guy. “you’re gone baby”

the wall of fame poster im gonna make one day, lol. I just love how i threaten this guy. “you’re gone baby”

what happened, lets start from the beginning.

On 16th of April, very randomly I got a call from swapnil, at 6 PM, At the very start he pleaded me to take down the hate posts on the gossips page, me being very clueless about it, i asked him what crap was he talking about, he explained me that there existed a profile, and there existed some source that said I OWNED THE ACCOUNT. At this point, keep in mind that I had no idea what the account even was about.

![Swapnil reaching me out to stop the behavior on the account.

Translation: “call me when you have time, its important” ](https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/154eef94-9646-44eb-8037-1f42dd880c84/fce5efa4-4d66-4e34-baf0-f24b5d87b54f/Untitled.jpeg)

Swapnil reaching me out to stop the behavior on the account.

Translation: “call me when you have time, its important”

Since I had no idea about whose account it was, I asked Swapnil about it, He Alleged it and claimed to be ‘sure-shot’ informed that the account was mine. He Alleged that Amogh and Anunay were also linked.

Here’s my 29ish minutes of call recordings with Swapnil, with some bts

I am not that active on instagram, and I asked for the link of the account from Swapnil, he sent me this. I scrolled through and understood the content of the page, It was a confessions page, originally, the idea was thought by the Creator of the Gangwar Empire in the same space, but more childish and more venomous? but definitely more cringe. I also need to mention that due to abuses, hateful messages from student to another, Gangwar Empire had to delete its confession page.

I ignored it until Aditya Prakash, another classmate asked me to delete a post from the profile, at this point I was pretty pissed.

Someone was behind spreading these false allegations.

this was annoying. very annoying. especially since the posts on the profile were very stupid, and genuinely very idiotic.

mostly, were illegal, done in spite, done with enmity, harassing students for no reason.

![Aditya Prakash asking me to remove the post, from the ‘gossips’ profile.

translation: remove my post from the page, dont contribute in spreading these rumors.](https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/154eef94-9646-44eb-8037-1f42dd880c84/468c56e5-8068-42d3-ae82-6e0507849edc/Untitled.png)

Aditya Prakash asking me to remove the post, from the ‘gossips’ profile.

translation: remove my post from the page, dont contribute in spreading these rumors.

I went ahead and posted the following on the weird discussion group, operated under dpsbk.live, as an announcement:

The Announcement

Hello everyone,

I've been made aware of some rumors circulating that I'm either running the "dps.gossipss" Instagram account or am connected to whoever is operating it. I want to state clearly that these rumors are entirely false and baseless. I don't have Instagram installed on my phone, and only access it rarely on my laptop. Pretty big time waste, if you ask me.

These accusations are becoming disruptive and are starting to take a toll on me.

However, if anyone feels this account is genuinely causing harm or damaging your reputations, I completely understand your concern.

I'm willing to support you in reporting the account to the Cyber Crime Branch of Bokaro. They have the resources to quickly identify who is behind it.

On a separate note, if you're looking for some intentionally misleading content, I do have a Twitter account (@sidhant_sarthak) dedicated to just that. Feel free to give it a follow.

Let me know if anyone would like to pursue action regarding the Instagram account. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it if we could put these rumors to rest.

Thank you, Sarthak Sidhant

PS: I would also deny Amogh's and Anunay's Involvement in this, as a person named Swapnil alleged.

We have better work to do guys.

A single day after this announcement, on the page, an anonymous message was posted:

“Hi Sarthak! I know this is your account huehuehuehahahaahaah”

The Account Replied with “Hello Kaise Ho” further strengthening the claim, and also called Prakash a Joker, whom i’d talked to a day before.

This was taking a toll on my reputation, and harming other’s too. spreading rumors about someone isnt good, especially when you’re also impersonating someone. the very next day, i thought of taking action.

the cyber complaint